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Monday, July 7, 2014

Business Proposal Which Add Value to Our Education Sector

The university life is one of the crucial parts of our student life. It makes a great influence on our post study life and career. In a private university like ours, we start our university life with lots of excitement and some fear of not being able to adjust with the foreign education system.
Most of the time students manage to adjust with the university life but not with the education system. So this colorful university life makes them to forget about the education which is most essential for their future. On the other hand their parents think that their children are now well enough to take care of themselves.

They become spoiled with the sudden freedom of their university life. They start to think that they achieved enough up to the higher education level. They come to believe that university life means full time enjoyment with friends. These types of mistake people also do because we forget that it’s easy to get the freedom but it’s tougher to maintain the freedom. They forget how crucial the university life is for their entire life career.

The consequence for these mistakes is bad performance in the semester results. And therefore most of them are reluctant to inform their parents about the results. Some of them also cheat with their parents by showing fake grade sheet. Ultimately the parents stay uninformed about the actual scenario of their children. It is observed that they are informed about it when it is at the last stage.

At that time the student may have been terminated from their university. Then the parents have nothing to do for saving their life.

While doing my undergraduate I have noticed this matter in my university. I observed how my peers making this mistake and ruin their life. This kind of situation bound me to think to find a solution of this problem.  After observing different university’s result publication system I have found a   solution, which I am going to explain through my proposal.

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